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JUSE - The Java Universal System Emulator

An emulator for generic computer systems written in Java.

JUSE - Java Universal System Emulator

** We changed to JUSE! **

This was a great project to find and I really appreciate what Ben and Dylan has done.
My need was to have flexible device configuration and easily mapped IO ports to model real reto hardware. The existing project construction provided an easy way to get what I wanted and allowed me to get there, quickly, in workable stages. I have started by decoupling things so now you can expand and use it by making your own CPUs, devices and UIs.
As before, this is still a work in progress and may discover some bugs.
I would like to use this to do development debugging and gives flexibility to that end.



Some might ask, why write an emulator in Java? And I would respond: “Because no one else would.” Sure, Java is terribly slow (more than 1000x slower than the original!), and the fact that Java’s bytes and shorts are a pain to work with because they’re signed, but it’s the language I’m best in so I don’t care ;)

Feel free to fork it, improve it, whatever, just link back to here. Enjoy!


Example: java -jar JUSE.jar –demo –ext demo/juse/ext –config demo/Z80A.system



M6502 Emulating

Z80 Emulating

Screenshot 0 Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Text Display Text New Font Display Graphics Display Configuration C64 test Z80 Emulating Edit Memory